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專科畢業後就沒遇見過  但卻在南半球又見了面
相約 回台灣後 與昔日同窗好友聚聚

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You can see a lot of ducks anywhere in New Zealand, e.g. Avon River, Mona Vale, Orana Wildlife Park and Queenstown. I asked my host mother about the ducks, "Can they Fly? ", because most ducks can't fly in Taiwan. You hardly ever see ducks swimming in a river and walking on a road, even though flying in the sky.

My host mother and I recently talked about ducks.

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I never talked to other children or "young" people who were KIWILast Sunday, two young girls who were my host mother's friends' childred come to stay in my homestay. They came from Dunedin. They will stay here for seven days.

Both of they are violinist , and they are going to play the violin in a concert on Friday night.
They had to practice very late tonight, so my host father had to pick them up. Another reason is because they thought christchurch is a big and dangerous city, so the didn't want to walk to home, even though they just needed to walk ten mimutes.

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We had a party in the evening because it was my friend's birthday party.
We went to his flat and cooked dinner for him.
There were twelve people at the party, they came from Japan, Germany and Taiwan.
The Japanese had prepared a birthday cake for my friend, as they wanted to give him a surprise.

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When you arrived, all of the bad things happed....

Some taiwanese students and I met a new student last week who also comes from Taiwan.
He lives in a flat. We felt sorry for him because when he arrived in New Zealand on Saturday, nobody was living on the same floor, so he didn't know where he could buy foods,so he didn't eat anything on Sunday.
He still didn't receive his clothes that he was sent from Taiwan, and his laptop didn't work.

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SurpriseLast Saturday, I wnet to Lyttelton with my friends.
When we were waiting for the bus, I met YOKO(who is my classmate).
Actually, We always see a lot of CCEL students in the city centre on a weekend.
However, I met a person who hadn't seen me for a long time.
When I was talking to Yoko about where we wanted to go, someone asked me, "Are you from Taiwan?" I felt strange, then I realised she is my classmate in junior high school.

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Cats always run and play in the garden.....Yesterday, I saw a curious cat. It's a black cat with a big, long tail, and it likes to sit under
I was curious about what it was waiting for?
Then I saw it was waiting to catch a bird that was flying from the tree.
However, it didn't catch any birds, so it ran to another park.

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來到這裏John和Jackie帶我來的第一個地方--The Arts Centre

早上出門時天空還滿天烏雲,一到Cathedral時天空開始放晴了,上星期還沒來的及逛清楚這個地方,今天可以慢慢晃嘍!一早先到 I-SITE問了關於皇后鎮的行程,因為四月的Easter 和Good Friday 我們有假,大家想去皇后鎮走走,但學校的行程有點貴我們想想自己來問看看,順便拿了些資料大家好討論。

沒想到出了I-SITE後就遇到Carlo 就一起去走走,來到The Arts Centre 因為3/11-15是CHCH的International Flower Show 所以開始四處佈置,花園城巿這個名稱真的名符其實,走到那都有樹有花有草,每區都有公園,路上的車比起台北是少很多,Avon河靜靜的流過這個城巿。

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Sharon 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

不怕人的鴨,又出現在四週,原來你們還是飛的動> <

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12個阿拉伯學生 + 1個大陸學生+ 1個台灣學生


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因為那裏是 南極。

Homestay 我很幸運,一個人用一間浴室,房間在二樓,旁邊是另一間客房與John的辦公室,房間有一面窗,白天我就喜歡推開窗,任光線投射到房間內,晚上還可以看星星。

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Homestay 往CCEL的路上(PS這不是Homestay)


在第一天努力調完時差後,星期日Jackie and John帶我到Art Centre走走,離Cathedral Square不遠的地方,在Center後方小巷子內有一條小小的"美食街",這是我來這的第一餐外食,一餐NZ8元,一個Lebanon食物,像可麗餅的形狀,但餅皮比墨西哥捲餅再厚些再Q些,中間塗了白白的(很像希臘式的醬),放上一堆的青菜及雞肉(你也可以選牛.羊--沒有豬..),份量不小,Jackie點了一德式大蒜奶油醬的面包而John則偏愛泰式炒飯,帶著食物,來到Center 中庭的大樹下,外頭是陽光藍天,但一點也不熱,還有微微的風,在異國吃著這另一個"異國食物"感覺很神奇,真的因為航運之便,食物也跟著旅行了。

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